What I Miss About Travel: Heather Greenwood Davis

October 9, 2020 ctn_admin

Travel lovers around the world are having a tough time right now. Our routines are out the window, and we miss so many big and little things.

With that in mind, we here at Canadian Travel News will be checking in with travel folks to see what THEY miss about being on the road. Our first appearance is from Canadian travel writer/broadcaster Heather Greenwood Davis, who’s a National Geographic editor and a contributor to publications around the world. She writes regularly about family travel.

I miss that feeling you get when you land in a new spot and all that lays before you are the infinite possibilities for the trip. Who will you meet? What will you see? Which dish will be your favourite?

Before a trip I’m usually focused on remembering to bring all the important things, but once I land in the hotel room, let go of my suitcase and open the drapes for a peek at my surroundings, the adrenaline settles and the excitement sets in.

I love that feeling; that moment when you can just take a deep inhale of a place, knowing that in a few days you’ll know new things and people.  It just isn’t something you get at home during a pandemic.

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