Travelling with a Little One

November 23, 2021 Natalie Preddie

Whether it is a trip to the zoo, across country or across the ocean, I’ve learned a lot about traveling with baby over the last 9 months. There are tips and tricks to packing, flying and sleeping when away from home but the truth is that each baby is different. Some babies will love to fly and others will hate it; some babies will sleep in the car on a road trip and some will stay awake and sing songs; some will sleep wherever their head may fall and some will need extra snuggles when in new surroundings.

Regardless of these differences, there are three main rules that I feel are paramount
when travelling with a baby:

1. Be Prepared

Do your homework and research your destination. Ensure that you will have a pack and play crib or somewhere safe for your baby to sleep. Find out where you can buy diapers and wipes when you arrive so you don’t need to travel with a suitcase full of them. Make sure you have access to filtered water for formula and washing baby bottles, and a fridge to store food. Travel light and check out baby equipment rental companies at your destination. Renting a car seat, stroller, crib or anything else you may need at the other end makes the process of getting to your destination a lot easier. Knowing what is available at your destination will make planning, packing, and travelling a lot easier.

2. Be Flexible

As a new parent, you know that babies can change their habits at the drop of a hat. One day, the baby may sleep like an angel and the next day, they want to play at 3 a.m. This is okay! While on vacation, go with it. Your fun in the sun may be cut short by the need for a nap or a poop‐explosion may send you back to the hotel room halfway through a meal. You may need to start a sight‐seeing day early if your little one decided that they want a 7 am start instead of the planned 9 am coffee. Your fancy dinner out may become take‐out eaten on your balcony while baby sleeps. Know that you cannot control these minor hiccups in your itinerary and it is best to ‘go with the flow.’

3. Enjoy!

Enjoy and embrace your time travelling, exploring and discovering with your little one. They are seeing many things for the first time and the joy of rediscovering the world through their eyes is an amazing experience. Spending time together and creating memories are priceless. It won’t be long until they are all grown up and you will be wishing for these family travelling adventures together.

Most importantly, enjoy your travels with your baby and the new adventures that they bring. Early starts may mean that you take in a beautiful sunrise that you otherwise would’ve slept through. A take‐out dinner on your hotel balcony is a great time to people watch and spend some quiet time with your significant other. An unexpected midday nap is a glorious indulgence and you may have forgotten how much you needed it.

Read more tips from Natalie here.

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